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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Other Life Azure Dreams System : Playstation Date Added : 2005-03-27 17:25:31 Views : 25260 Refill life: Stand in any corner and repeatedly press Triangle + Circle. Easy money: Use the "Racetrack cheat" to get enough money for a casino. Then, play the slots. With careful timing practice, you should be able to stop each reel on "7" (jackpot). Watch the reels and count each time the 7 spins past to get the correct timing. The "7" appears at fixed intervals. After getting the correct timing, bet with the maximum amount of money for each spin to quickly build your total. Build a casino and go to the room with the big spinner. Bet a gold piece on blue. This can be tricky, but if you master this you will get unlimited money. Press X to jump when the blue goes out of sight on the right hand corner. Note: You may have to press a little before or after to get the correct timing. Hidden items: A monster named Barong will occasionally be encountered In the tower. Stand next to it, and throw an item at it. It will eat the item and spit out a completely new one, including special items found nowhere else in the game. One such item is a crossbow that can be used by troll monsters. Other things that may appear include uncommon items like blue and red sands. If you do not want the item that the Barong creates, simply pick it up and throw it back at the creature again. This may be done several times before the Barong refuses to eat. Defeat Beldo easily: Have Kewne present and fight Beldo at level 40, on the top floor. When your character's life is about to run out, Kewne will offer your father's sword. Use the sword to kill Beldo in about three hits. Racetrack cheat: There are patterns in the race track that determines who wins. Save the game at mother's house, then go to the track. Buy ten tickets on any selection. Start the race and do not do anything. Find out the outcome of the race, reset, and return to the race track. Look at the odds of the previous race. Bet 10 tickets on that race. Start the race and do not do anything. Since the outcome will be the same, you should be able to pick out the winner when you purchased the tickets. HINTS: More rare items: To get more rare items, just put three rare items of the same type in your safe, such as Red Sand or Mazarr Seeds. When you go in the tower, they will appear more frequently. Use the "More rare items" trick to get more of the Blue and Red Sands. These upgrade your swords and shields. Also use the trick to get more Wind and Water Stones. The Wind Stones will get you out of the tower and the Water Stones will fully restore your pets MP and HP. Remember to have a backup sword and shield in your safe in case you die in the tower. Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Other Life Azure Dreams cheat codes.
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